Flight & Duty Tracker 2022

Thank you for those that participated in our first ever webinar. I was very happy to see the high number that attended. There will be more of these as well as additional video explainers.

While you are waiting, I thought it would be nice to have an area for some open dialogue where I can put out quick information and where you all could ask questions. Many of you have the same questions - perhaps me answering them here will have a mutual beneficial effect.

Ask a question in the Comments and I’ll add the answer to the list of Questions below.


Why do I get an error when trying to save in SuperAdmin (SA) -> Training -> Qualifications/Training?

If it is a server error it is because you did not check an Operating Certificate.

Is there a one stop view of all aircrew qualifications? We currently track on a separate document, with color codes as well.
Yes, the Master Training Tracking report is still there to use or you can create a custom report to use the information in Master Tracking.

Is there a way to delete a schedule quickly? If I push out a schedule for a year and need to make a change, I have only been able to delete each individual date and not the entire year?
Not yet, we are hoping to add that functionality before launch in the summer, if not it will come with the first round of post launch updates. “CTRL+ clicking” to drag/drop things is all part of the same task.